So, Dr. Q and I have been playing Majora’s Mask recently, and we’ve found some pretty awesome screenshots. Here’s some of the more funny ones:

deku shrub private propertyEven in video games, they won’t let you abuse private property…except they’ll let you into people’s houses and allow you to break their vases and steal their money and other various objects you might want to use **giggle** The only reason why this was different, I think, was so that they could throw in something to do (fetch quest, fetch quest, lalalalalala)

mailman scheduleEven in video games, bureaucrats are still silly and stupid. “Maybe I can schedule fleeing between my 3 pm meeting and 4 pm delivery…” **giggle**

mailman freeThe mayor’s wife set him free, so he could flee! See how much happier being your own boss can make you?

keaton trainingAh, keaton, how condescending you are when I answer your questions wrong :-p

dicksThey’re kinda condescending in general, actually. “You don’t get it, but you might as well do it anyways. These are grown up matters!”

Exhibit 2Exhibit 2

Bunny hoodThis was just too lulzy to pass up. We had to! I think one of the other screens here was about “grown up matters” or it not making much sense to you, funnily enough, but the screen grab didn’t work. Oh wells.

Oh, drama in the game! This shit is INTENSE!

“You are our master!”…you taught them a dance, so they bow to you, and you’re they’re “master”.  **sighs and facepalms**

This made me sad. 😦 This happens after you steal his room, so he can’t use it. Apparently, you both have the same name, so it’s not that hard to do, but it still made me feel guilty…

Aw, they is cute and lovey!This made me happy though. Cute love-y sea horses!

Maybe there will be more as we continue playing. I just wanted to dump these, for teh lulz

Also, people should join this facebook group I found, because it’s fucking awesome:

I hate it when the moon falls down, destroying the Earth 😦